Muertos and other gigs you can't miss this week of Order FEST 2018 continues this Thursday 25 October with Peeping Drexels, Meggie Brown and Egyptian Blue. Peeping Drexels are describing this as their “last foray into madness before our rebirth”. Whatever that means, you won't want to miss it.Organised by the excellent Permanent Creeps and Fierce Panda, Out of Order events at The Social in London continue throughout the rest of the year. Even better news, tickets are free, but get there early to guarantee entry Dream Records are hosting Monster MASH! at the Basement in Chelmsford on Saturday 27 October.Featuring PP favourites Muertos, psychedelic five-piece Frankie Teardrop Dead and the lo-fi Killed By Ghosts, this is setting up to be the perfect way to celebrate Halloween, especially as fancy dress is mandatory. Polish your fangs, comb your wig and be sure to pace yourself: the party goes until 4 am. of the standout albums of the year, a tour based around BC Camplight's Deportation Blues promises to make for an interesting evening out. It's not always an easy listen, mixing genres and wearing its heart painfully on its sleeve, but it comes together as something one reviewer described as being “as beautiful as it is deranged”. Tickets are flying here, so get on it, folks. may have seen that IDLES and Goat Girl shared a Q Award for Breakthrough Act last week, and both are on the road for your viewing pleasure.It might be too late to pick up tickets for this if you haven't already, but IDLES continue their extensive tour in Dublin, Newcastle, Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham and Brighton this week. Blimey. Most venues seem to be sold out, so you might have to beg, borrow or steal (please don't) to get in, but there's always someone selling last minute on Twitter, isn't there?And if you miss it, there still seem to be tickets left for Zurich next month…As for Goat Girl, catch them in Cambridge, Manchester, Nottingham, Glasgow and/or York this week. With the buzz around both bands right now, this might be your last chance to see them in smaller venues. Is there a gig we shouldn't miss, or an event that demands our attention? Let us know below.


Secret Bandcamp #13


Autochtone 2018: The indigenous people of Canada