Projector: Break your own heart

The Roadkill Records formula always works. It starts with a single release on cassette tape to keep it DIY, rough and unassuming, then follows a string of gigs in the right circuit and finally an explosive EP.But there is something different about Brighton's trio Projector; a sense of darkness and desperation that perfectly represents this generation. And that is a new direction for Roadkill Records' svengali Josh Cooper, we think.“Our writing is either highly collaborative or completely isolated,” says bass player Lucy Sheehan, “Lately, we’ve become a bit obsessed with pushing ourselves sonically – throwing away anything that doesn’t feel like a challenge … that or we just rip whatever the band next door are doing.”Projector were also recently awarded funding from the PRS Rebalance scheme, a project run in conjunction with Festival Republic which promotes gender equality both on stage and in the studio. In the run-up to their debut EP, they’ll begin recording again with a female producer in Leeds. See Projector live:

22 MAR @ The Lock Tavern Projector Single Launch

01 APR @ Hedon Swolle, Holland These Go To Eleven Festival

05 MAY @ Roadkill All Dayer


Stay in touch with Projector here:WebsiteFacebookInstagram


Harsh and uninviting


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